Sunday, April 19, 2009

Potty Training

Well about a month and a half ago we got serious about potty training. Someone game us some pullups they didn't need and we were tired of changing diapers on a child who was too stuborn to go on the potty. Well the pullups worked very well for Savannah and encouraging her to go on the potty. She did very well right off peeing in the potty. Going #2 was a different story. She has been dry all night long since she was 18 months old so I knew she could hold it. She has has trouble with constipation for the past 10 months. But a couple of weeks ago over conference weekend her daddy took her to the potty and made her go #2 on the potty a couple of times and then something must have clicked in her head because it has been two weeks now and we have had no accidents! Yeah for us! I just hope we don't have a set back when the baby comes. For now she is doing great and hopefully it will continue to be so.