Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Hair Cut

Here is a before shot of the wings on the side of his head.

Here is the loft on top. Don't you love his expression. Why torture me mom?

Here is the happy kid when he was all done. He even gave a great smile. Now he is handsome and not shaggy.

New Family Picture

I needed an updated picture of all of us. Our last was when Brigham was a few weeks old. Here we are. Aren't we cute?

Geode Hunting

Can you tell he is happy to be here? This was the start of geode hunting.

Here are a bunch of us down in the pit digging (or at this point trying to find) geodes.

Savannah and I starting digging over on the side while the track hoe dug some more dirt out. At this point we didn't know what we were looking for or should I say where the sweet spot for finding geodes was.

See the track hoe? It made finding the geodes so easy. That guy was really nice to come and dig holes for people.

Ahh. Finally on our way home. These girls were asleep up until the point I was going to take the picture. Savannah was still asleep though. It is tiring work being out in the sun.

Brigham was ready for his nap too.

I am hiding from the dust Mitch let in the car when he rolled down his window on the dirt roads. I can't remember why he rolled down his window, but I wasn't going to let dust in my contacts. Silly me I know.

I'm a big kid look what i can do

I put Brigham in Savannah's chair just to see what he would do. I think he looks right at home.

My son seems to think since he has managed to climb the stairs and all the things that I put in the way to keep him off the stairs, he can now climb anything he can get his knee up on. I found him here after I had been in the kitchen and yes he can get himself down as well.

Savannah likes to sit on the car as her brother pushes it about the house. They both actually have a lot of fun doing this.

Mitch caught Brigham playing with Savannah's play kitchen phone. He was actually holding it up to his ear and jabbering. You would think I talked on the phone all day or something. I really don't talk on the phone much at all. Kids are so observant.