Apparently it has been nearly two months since my last post. I don't know where the time has gone. I will do my best to recap what my brain can remember. March ended up having some pretty nice days in it so we went and flew kites with Mitch's family.
The butterfly kite.
Lynette, Jana, and Liam flying kites. Jana and Liam did fly kites even though it doesn't look like it from this picture.
The Dragon Kite.
March also found us outside playing with chalk. On one particular occasion Liam was here playing too and by the time we went in the house we couldn't find the chalk lid. So our chalk box sat by the stairs for a couple of days without a lid. Well on one of those days I was upstairs for something like a shower or to check my email and Savannah decided to get creative. She found her blue chalk and decided the wall needed a mural. So she drew all over the wall! Thank goodness it was only chalk and it washes off. I am glad I don't leave the markers where she can reach them! Well needless to say the next day when Liam came to visit again the lid to the chalk had conveniently made it into his diaper bag and so our chalk box is again protected from adventurous children. (Liam likes to but things in boxes or bags so if one is nearby he is sure to put something in it. He has put his bottle in the garbage can and the toybox!)
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